Mama & Me284 Amory Street, Jamaica Plain, MA
$259 for a 12-hour class series
To register, visit www.mymamaandme.com/natural-childbirth-class/
Class description
Ananda's classes are based on the fully-updated Lamaze approach (which now focuses on the Six Healthy Birth Practices, not stylized breathing techniques). Her classes are also the only ones in the Boston area to include a lesson in full-body professional pregnancy massage, one of the most effective forms of natural pain relief for labor.
As an independent class not sponsored by any one institution, we will be able to openly examine the pros and cons of local health care providers and obstetrical procedures. These classes are suitable for families planning to give birth in a hospital, at home, or in a birth center. Participants will practice labor positions, relaxation techniques, and movements to help the baby pass more easily out of the pelvis during birth.
Key topics include:
* How to handle average/very long/very short labors
* A realistic approach to labor pain
* The important roles of loved ones and doulas
* Self-advocacy in the healthcare system
* Physical fitness for birth
* Maximizing your chance of going into labor spontaneously and avoiding an induction
* What to do if your water breaks before labor starts
* New ways to push out a baby
* Cutting the cord at the optimal time